What’s new with us?
Obraceč oktabinů: efektivní a bezezbytkové vyprázdnění granulátu
V průmyslové výrobě se běžně používají oktabiny pro skladování a přepravu sypkých materiálů, jako jsou granuláty či práškové směsi. Tradiční metoda...
Pipe Transport Automation: A Successful Project by Prestar s.r.o.
Moderní požadavky na výrobní procesy zahrnují nejen vysokou rychlost a přesnost, ale také přizpůsobivost individuálním potřebám zákazníků.My,...
Mold Rotation Equipment – Ongoing Collaboration
Již podruhé jsme měli tu čest dodat zařízení pro otáčení poloforem pro stejného zákazníka. Tento projekt jsme získali díky mimořádné spokojenosti s...
Snapshots from Spain
Nedávná obchodní cesta do Španělska byla klíčovým krokem v rámci dlouhodobé spolupráce s jedním z největších...
Engineering Mission to Ukraine
Agenturou Czech Trade jsme byli pozváni k účasti na podnikatelské misi v oboru strojírenství do Dněpropetrovské oblasti a Kyjeva. Mise se...
PRESTAR s.r.o. at the next edition of the international trade fair TUBE 2024 Düsseldorf
This year we have traditionally participated in another international trade fair called TUBE 2024, in Düsseldorf, Germany....
Our first delivery to Mexico
We recorded the first successful delivery for a major steel bar producer in Mexico. We recently delivered and successfully commissioned two...
Mould opening and folding devices
On November 28, an important demonstration event took place at our company headquarters, which brought a fascinating insight into the world of innovation in the field of...
Innovative sheet metal coil handling equipment: introducing the heavy-duty folding table
The company Prestar, s.r.o. represents equipment designed for heavy steel plants. It is a folding table for folding coils of sheet metal with a load capacity of up to...
Technological innovation in pipe straightening: New machine takes industrial production to the next level
Pipe straightening is an important process in industrial production that ensures the correct geometry and quality of the resulting pipes. Prestar...
Reconstruction of tongs for handling concrete blocks: Innovative solutions for port construction.
Opava, 26. Opava, May 26, 2023 - In 2014, we accepted the challenge from Danish construction company JV Värtahamnen HB, a subsidiary of Per Aarsleff...
We don’t hesitate in automation! The sorting conveyor stays in Moravia
Recently, we have developed an innovative Sorting Conveyor in our company using digital twins. This conveyor allows efficient sorting of products...
We once again participated in the Tube 2022 fair
In the term 20 to 24.6. we participated in the world-famous trade fair for tube and rod manufacturers in Düsseldorf - Tube 2022. The aim was to present our...
Prestar acquired the Remoska project
Czech alliance conquering the world. It's a nice listen, and some have already given up hope that they'll ever hear it. But that was before the company...
Projects of Prestar, s.r.o. co-financed ESI funds for regional development and funds from the state budget of the Czech Republic
The company Prestar, s.r.o. applied in 2021 for co-financing of three projects with planned implementation between 2021 and 2023 Our investment plans...
Prestar has put into operation a device that no one else has ever manufactured!
Prestar company, s.r.o. has put into operation a unique device for rotating and extracting models from sand molds weighing up to 27 tons. To learn...